Motor / Audi A4 Cabriolet - 3,0l 162 kW (220 PS)

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Motor / Audi A4 Cabriolet - 3,0l 162 kW (220 PS)

Beitragvon XBcab_Frankreich » So Dez 28, 2008 19:59

Hello !

I'm looking for a compressor or a superchager conversion, to fit on my
Audi A4 Cabriolet - 3,0l 162 kW (220 PS) Quattro.

MTM Cabrio K306 Kompressorumbau, is a unique model : not for sale... ... ie2&bild=0

So, where can we find other solution?


Re: Motor / Audi A4 Cabriolet - 3,0l 162 kW (220 PS)

Beitragvon lox-tt » So Dez 28, 2008 22:07 has also such a tuning. On their homepage i can´t find the article, but i´m sure that they installed a compressor on a 3.0 V6-Audi-engine.

Edit: In another forum is a letter from MTM written. They doesn´t install such a compressor on 3.0 V6-engines since June 2005 anymore.

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