exhaust change S4 model 2007

alles rund um die Abgasanlage A4 Cabrio Typ B6/B7

exhaust change S4 model 2007

Beitragvon voodoo » Mo Nov 19, 2007 14:41

hello, sorry ,can't talk your language good ...
does anyone know the MM of the original S4 cabrio tips ? i want to put them on my audi A4 with the original skirt

thank u ,from mitch

Beitragvon CM75 » Mi Nov 21, 2007 09:12

Hi Mitch,

if I remember right you have to change or rebuild your skirt too, otherwise the bigger S4 exhaust does not fit under your normal A4...

Some of our members had their exhaust system changed to the the original S4, they should be able to help you.

Best regards,
B6 8H, 3.0, schwarz-metallic, Hofele SFG mit Haubenverlängerung, Eibach-Edelstahl-Gewindefahrwerk, org. S8 Felge 19x8.5 mit 10mm Spurverbeiterung, Leder grau, RNS-E, DVD, Verdeckmodul, S-Spiegelkappen etc...
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Beitragvon lox-tt » Mi Nov 21, 2007 12:15

When i´m right, they don´t have the original S4 exhaust. The exhausts were build by BN-Pipes with S4-Style.

I can´t say if the original one fits under the normal A4 Cabrio.

Beitragvon voodoo » Sa Nov 24, 2007 19:29

thanks for the reply , i have already the S4 skirt on my car , but i'm still searchin for the exhaust tips of the S4 .. can't find any that looks like the S4 from 2007 ...
i already changed the mirrors ,the ruckleuchten ,and the skirt
here some pics with winterwheels

this is the normal summermodus with 19inch

Beitragvon lox-tt » Sa Nov 24, 2007 20:40

I can see, you´ve got a sticker from IPA in your windscreen...

What´s up with it?


In germany some cabby driver installed an exhaust from bn-pipes. They sell the exhaust with the S-/and RS4-look. They also have partner in different countrys. You can take a look here:

http://www.bn-pipes.de/joomla/index.php ... &Itemid=65

Where are you from?

Beitragvon voodoo » So Nov 25, 2007 06:32

lox-tt hat geschrieben:I can see, you´ve got a sticker from IPA in your windscreen...

What´s up with it?


In germany some cabby driver installed an exhaust from bn-pipes. They sell the exhaust with the S-/and RS4-look. They also have partner in different countrys. You can take a look here:

http://www.bn-pipes.de/joomla/index.php ... &Itemid=65

Where are you from?

u got good eyes ! the sticker is just from the International Police association ... [smilie=thumbsup.gif]
i'm searchin for only the pipes , not the exhaust itselve, cause in Belgium we may not change the exhaust for the technical checkup each year .. change the tips is not a problem ..

thanks from mitch

Beitragvon puntaskala » So Nov 25, 2007 12:31

hey mitch whats up

i`ve found following sites for you


http://www.bb-automobiltechnik.de/bb200 ... /index.php


they can manufacture the pipes for you

greets from germany

Gruß Neven
R8 Spyder
S6 Lim.
A6 Avant Competition
A8 4.2TDI
Ford Mustang Fastback 1966
Urlaubspläne in Kroatien
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Registriert: Di Jun 19, 2007 12:18
Wohnort: 40476 Düsseldorf

Beitragvon lox-tt » So Nov 25, 2007 14:57

voodoo hat geschrieben:
u got good eyes ! the sticker is just from the International Police association ... [smilie=thumbsup.gif]

Yes i know, ´cause i´m a member of the International Police Association!! :mrgreen: servo per amikeco!

voodoo hat geschrieben:i'm searchin for only the pipes , not the exhaust itselve, cause in Belgium we may not change the exhaust for the technical checkup each year .. change the tips is not a problem ..

thanks from mitch

Ok, i thought you searched for the hole exhaust. That wasn´t clearly. So you can follow the links by puntaskala or mine. I think, bn-pipes would send you the exhaust-endings...

Beitragvon (R)audi8H » So Nov 25, 2007 15:41

or , look at this link : http://www.individual-exhaust.de/000000 ... index.html



MFG : raudi

Beitragvon voodoo » So Nov 25, 2007 15:44

lox-tt hat geschrieben:
voodoo hat geschrieben:
u got good eyes ! the sticker is just from the International Police association ... [smilie=thumbsup.gif]

Yes i know, ´cause i´m a member of the International Police Association!! :mrgreen: servo per amikeco!

voodoo hat geschrieben:i'm searchin for only the pipes , not the exhaust itselve, cause in Belgium we may not change the exhaust for the technical checkup each year .. change the tips is not a problem ..

thanks from mitch

Ok, i thought you searched for the hole exhaust. That wasn´t clearly. So you can follow the links by puntaskala or mine. I think, bn-pipes would send you the exhaust-endings...

yess, servo per amikeco [smilie=bow.gif] !!

no in Belgium it is forbidden to change the whole exhaust , so i'm just changing the tips of the exhaust !
tomorrow i meet my tuner@1600hrs ,cause he has ordered some exhausttips , maybe tomorrow it will be placed .. hope so !

greetz and thanks from mitch

Re: exhaust change S4 model 2007

Beitragvon Redthunder » Mo Dez 03, 2007 14:59

Na das soll uns mal ein anderes Forum nachmachen....Völkerverständigung im Bereich Audi Cabrio.....TOP [smilie=thumbsup.gif] Männers
Gruss Karsten
A5 FL 2.0TFSi+ Quattro, Rotor Felgen 9x20 ET26 weiß/poliert, 255/30 R20 Hankook S1 evo , Gletscherweiß, Sline+Sline Ext. ,H&R Distanzen 15/20, KW Gewindefedern, ST Verdeckmodul, RS5 Design Auspuff; RS5 Innentürgriffe; RS5 Kühlergrill; AHK ; RFK ; VCDS
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Fahrzeugtyp: A5 Cabrio B8 Facelift
Motor: 2.0 TFSI 211 PS
Getriebeart: S-Tronic
Antriebsart: Quattro

Re: exhaust change S4 model 2007

Beitragvon voodoo » Mi Dez 05, 2007 15:03

here is the result afther long waiting ...


Re: exhaust change S4 model 2007

Beitragvon Redthunder » Mi Dez 05, 2007 15:13

Very perfect [smilie=thumbsup.gif]
Gruss Karsten
A5 FL 2.0TFSi+ Quattro, Rotor Felgen 9x20 ET26 weiß/poliert, 255/30 R20 Hankook S1 evo , Gletscherweiß, Sline+Sline Ext. ,H&R Distanzen 15/20, KW Gewindefedern, ST Verdeckmodul, RS5 Design Auspuff; RS5 Innentürgriffe; RS5 Kühlergrill; AHK ; RFK ; VCDS
u. RS3 Sportback Bj 2019 OPF
Administrator Karsten
Administrator Karsten
Beiträge: 13665
Bilder: 179
Registriert: Mi Feb 21, 2007 10:12
Wohnort: 49811 Lingen
Fahrzeugtyp: A5 Cabrio B8 Facelift
Motor: 2.0 TFSI 211 PS
Getriebeart: S-Tronic
Antriebsart: Quattro

Re: exhaust change S4 model 2007

Beitragvon lox-tt » Mi Dez 05, 2007 15:45

Wow, that looks very good. I think i install the taillights of the newer Cab in a few weeks. Now i´ts possible that i also buy the exhaust endings.

Which factory sell your endings?

Re: exhaust change S4 model 2007

Beitragvon puntaskala » Mi Dez 05, 2007 18:23

Damn good Job [smilie=bow.gif]
Gruß Neven
R8 Spyder
S6 Lim.
A6 Avant Competition
A8 4.2TDI
Ford Mustang Fastback 1966
Urlaubspläne in Kroatien
Beiträge: 1779
Registriert: Di Jun 19, 2007 12:18
Wohnort: 40476 Düsseldorf


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