upgrade nozzles(einspritzdusen) for 2.5TDI V6 163PS BDG

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upgrade nozzles(einspritzdusen) for 2.5TDI V6 163PS BDG

Beitragvon voodoo » Fr Dez 07, 2007 15:29

do someone know what type of nozzles i can use to get about 250PS ? some say CUMMINS nozzles can be used ,
but i'm sure that some DAF nozzles can be used ,cause i have found somebody that sell this , but don't want to give the information about it ! and i want to buy new nozzles and place them myself in the injectorbodys !

can please somebody help me with this !
sorry that i talk English !

greets from mitch

Re: upgrade nozzles(einspritzdusen) for 2.5TDI V6 163PS BDG

Beitragvon lox-tt » Sa Dez 08, 2007 06:41

Please explain first what you want to do with your engine? Only changing the nozzles wouldn´t bring any effect. They are only able to spray more fuel, but aren´t allowed by the software to proceed. So the first way is to chip... But IMHO it´s not necessary to change the nozzles on a TDI engine because the turbocharger pressure is more less than at a petrol engine.

I have more clue when there are questions about petrol engines liek the 1.8T than about the TDI. So the main questions is if it is necessary at all to change nozzles!?

Re: upgrade nozzles(einspritzdusen) for 2.5TDI V6 163PS BDG

Beitragvon voodoo » Sa Dez 08, 2007 11:44

i also gone to change the custom chiptune of course ! with more turbopressure and spray more fuel ! also there would be a garrett GT2560V installed !
but first i need to know what type of injectors i can use ,with this VP44 pump ,and if its possible with stock pump !

thanks from mitch

Re: upgrade nozzles(einspritzdusen) for 2.5TDI V6 163PS BDG

Beitragvon voodoo » Mi Dez 12, 2007 03:02

nobody knows anything ???

Re: upgrade nozzles(einspritzdusen) for 2.5TDI V6 163PS BDG

Beitragvon lox-tt » Mi Dez 12, 2007 03:52

Sorry, i can´t help you. Like i said before, i was never interessted for the TDI tuning before. When it´s about the 1.8T i can surely help you...But that´s not the hopeful answer you want, sorry. [smilie=rain.gif]

Re: upgrade nozzles(einspritzdusen) for 2.5TDI V6 163PS BDG

Beitragvon lox-tt » Mi Dez 12, 2007 03:59

I´ve quickly seached in the nameful and geatest german speaking Forum, but i couldn´t find anything about changing the nozzles for TDI. I think when there is nothing to find it´s not interesting for tuning this machine. That´s my result.

My proposition is to discard this mind... [smilie=confused-smiley-013.gif]

Re: upgrade nozzles(einspritzdusen) for 2.5TDI V6 163PS BDG

Beitragvon voodoo » Mi Dez 12, 2007 06:37

lox-tt hat geschrieben:I´ve quickly seached in the nameful and geatest german speaking Forum, but i couldn´t find anything about changing the nozzles for TDI. I think when there is nothing to find it´s not interesting for tuning this machine. That´s my result.

My proposition is to discard this mind... [smilie=confused-smiley-013.gif]

hello , thank u for the reply , i know the 2.5tdi V6 can be tuned for sure over 300PS !
but i understand if nobody on this forum knows !
thanks for helping me !
[smilie=thud.gif] greets from mitch

Re: upgrade nozzles(einspritzdusen) for 2.5TDI V6 163PS BDG

Beitragvon lox-tt » Mi Dez 12, 2007 13:45

voodoo hat geschrieben:i know the 2.5tdi V6 can be tuned for sure over 300PS !

Yes i think so. But this shouldn´t be the daily lecture in the known forums, because this engine stay original by the most users... I´m now for long years in the greatest german forums every day, but i´ve never read from extrem tuning of the TDI engines. But impossible is nothing! [smilie=thumbsup.gif]

Good luck...

Re: upgrade nozzles(einspritzdusen) for 2.5TDI V6 163PS BDG

Beitragvon voodoo » Do Dez 13, 2007 02:22

lox-tt hat geschrieben:
voodoo hat geschrieben:i know the 2.5tdi V6 can be tuned for sure over 300PS !

Yes i think so. But this shouldn´t be the daily lecture in the known forums, because this engine stay original by the most users... I´m now for long years in the greatest german forums every day, but i´ve never read from extrem tuning of the TDI engines. But impossible is nothing! [smilie=thumbsup.gif]

Good luck...

no extreme tuning for tdi ? [smilie=confused-smiley-013.gif] ,my seat toledo 1.9tdi original had 110PS and 235NM , i have tuned it to 210PS and 510NM ,by changing the turbo ,injectors ,pump,intake,exhaust,filter,clutch ,etcetc ..
so extreme tuning for tdi does exist ! [smilie=thumbsup.gif]
i did dragraces with this car ... a GTI could not follow me!! a audi TT whas looking [smilie=shocked.gif] cause this cars ,where to slow for my car !

greets from mitch

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